Sunday, August 4, 2013

Attrition- Culture- Systems

Employees are resources to the company so they must be secured and utilized in justified manner. To retain an employee, organization needs not to shell out money always. There are small things which can be done to retain them.

         New Comers-

There are two factors responsible for job shift. First is insecurity and second is opportunity. For new comers off course opportunity is not the thing to be thought upon when they join. It is because they have already cracked a opportunity by getting selected for your organization. So what is left important is “Insecurity Factor”.
To overcome this insecurity factor organization need to spend less on cash but lot on emotional front. They need to understand the mechanism of feeling secure.
In this context, below mentioned tools can be used:
1.    Avoid delays in giving offer letter- Offer letter clears doubts on roles & responsibilities and compensation. So let him compare with the other existing opportunities. If he takes final decision in favor of your organization then it is understood that you are the best opportunity to him. So it will assure you that you are going to invest your time and money with a person who is clearer on joining aspects. He sees you as best opportunity. Delay in offer letter may result in putting him in doubts and he may start looking for more opportunities and who knows another better opportunity is in line.
2. Joining letter- This confirms organization’s intention in him. Please understand these documents are first kind of transactions with the organization so timely delivery gives him positive impression of organizational Processes and systems (An employee is in this stage or other, always connects all things to timely payment and growth). So joining letter confirms his employment and add some cement in his job security. A warm shake hand while handing over joining letter will transfer positivity in him.
3.  Welcoming and introduction- They must be welcomed and introduce to their team and top management, up to the maximum extent possible (At least those who are present in the office that day). In small organization (20-100) it is not a big deal.  A welcoming note can be put on reception can be a cost effective idea. Let them feel important and welcomed. In big organizations it can be done in an event manner where in all new joiners called and introduced to the top management. Sweets and flowers (If budget permits) can be a good idea. It may seem awkward to some of business owners but it is up to you how far you want to go for retaining your human resources. Needless to say that higher attrition rate is a prominent reason to higher HR cost in terms of money but even higher in terms of opportunity cost to the company.
4.    Induction- Senior or Junior, at each level induction must be given on HR policies and organizational aspects. It must be designed in a way that they start connecting to the organization. Their orientation towards organization’s goals, culture and systems is like tuning the radio for beautiful songs that they will song for you for their course of engagement. Frequency must be matched for quality of product.

5.    Appreciations and Corrections- I am again giving an example of tuning the radio manually. People who has done it, they may well connect the situation. While manually tuning the radio, initially there is lot of disturbance and people used to keep patience till it starts reaching closer the right frequency. While some signals starts coming of voices the tuner person became cautious and others start motivating the tuner person. For every bit of clarity they appreciate the tuner and same goes with motivation when he drifts away. They feel excited when audio clarity increases and change their excitement in to suggestions when the clarity decreases. They keep suggesting him till the melodious song comes without any disturbance. Then, finally, a clear voice comes from the radio and all literally claps.  Assume that tuner person as new comer, radio as organization, melodious song as deliverable and listeners as management. I need not to explain further. Appreciate them for their efforts and correct their mistakes in suggestive manner. This enhances his sense of security. Here he also starts sensing a bit of conducive environment within the organization, which he will definitely appreciate. Be happy your organization is being appreciated. This is the trust building approach among employees so must be followed. 
6. Trust him- To build ownership in him, trust on his capabilities. Every successful assignment builds confidence and competence. A thought that says- “I am worthy”.
7. Opportunity to Grow- When he seeks for opportunities give him opportunities within the organization. Why should he look for another organization?
 "Above all respect your human resources. We are not living in era of slaves.