Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tomb bricks in Foundation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long back in India, There was a king. He was very clever, bold, very good administrator, and above all a very good king. The king had courtiers. These courtiers had very diversified characteristics. They used to be selected by their unique virtue. Some of them were courageous, so used to lead the armies of king; some were politically aged so were in king’s advisory committee; some were poets; some were jokers, used to make king laugh; some were praise buddies, used to praise the king always. All those were equally important as there was a skill and a responsibility assigned to them based on that. Even praise buddies were equally important because there is a saying that “People on top are most alone”. So people, who are on top, even need somebody to motivate. Getting praised is not at all wrong as we all need that. But probably, people other than praise buddies, will not do that on regular basis as it is considered flattering. But king need that on regular basis as he is also human being. So praise buddies used to write poems, songs and stories of brave deeds of kings. Most of time these praise buddies were most blessed and rewarded by kings. But one day a king became so happy with a praise buddy that he made him chief of army though the praise buddy had not any war skills. King sent him to the very crucial war. Some day after king got to know that he lost the war and praise buddy surrendered to the rival king and now doing same with his best in the court of the rival king. Happy ending ……………

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